Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Week 11 part 2

Week 11 complete. So much in this week it was all rather overwhelming. Lots of places for collaborative online work. I'd like to see a listing (Tada list?)as the different forms are tried, including blogs, wikis etc, to see which work best, where and how within the library world.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

There are lots of possibilities.

You are right that there are some tools which work better for some jobs than for others. I don't think anyone has attempted a definitive list - you can see examples here and here

It is really important to think about what you want the tool to do - if you want a conversation with your clients a blog (provided you have the comments turned on) will encourage that. If you are after developing a tool for recording collaborations - a wiki is better. These are just two examples, but the list goes on and on and on. I would suggest reading David lee King's blog ( and Michael Stephen's blog ( they at least alert you to a lot of these tools, and they describe their learning experience (which is important).

Ellen (PLS)