Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 7 continues

I did it! Librarything is wonderful and I've found many books to look at in the future.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Week 7 Del.icio.us

I am enjoying a look at delicious - a wonderful way to have easy access to my favourite websites. Also, so easy to have a look at the tags of other users with interests in common - quilts, textiles, books, and oh yes, libraries.
I still hadn't managed to post my delicious onto my blog. Keep trying.
Then, all I need now is the time to endlessly add to my delicious bookmarks and explore all those websites.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Week 6 Videos online

I began this week once more wondering about its relevance but interested to find out. What great opportunities online videos offer. I can see their use for training especially but lots of other uses too. The quality range is enormous and a lot of time could be wasted sorting through them.

I like this video of The World Digital Library. Such an exciting idea. The video is informative, well-constructed and to the point