Wednesday, November 19, 2008

WEEK 10 Mashups

This was a fun week. I was so busy playing that I forgot to think of serious applications in the work place. There would however be a lot of uses in the marketing area.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Week 9 Podcasting

I was quite excited to see podcasting on the schedule as I've always wanted to listen to ABC radio national programs that I've missed all or half of. Now I need to acquire the equipment. So, personally, it will be wonderful as I look forward to lots of podcasting.In the broader picture there is so much potential for podcasts.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Week 8

I found some of the social searching most interesting; Amazon has always been good at showing new titles to tempt me. The Librarians' answer board are a great idea and showed how much subjectivity went into the answers on other boards.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week 7 continues

I did it! Librarything is wonderful and I've found many books to look at in the future.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Week 7

I am enjoying a look at delicious - a wonderful way to have easy access to my favourite websites. Also, so easy to have a look at the tags of other users with interests in common - quilts, textiles, books, and oh yes, libraries.
I still hadn't managed to post my delicious onto my blog. Keep trying.
Then, all I need now is the time to endlessly add to my delicious bookmarks and explore all those websites.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Week 6 Videos online

I began this week once more wondering about its relevance but interested to find out. What great opportunities online videos offer. I can see their use for training especially but lots of other uses too. The quality range is enormous and a lot of time could be wasted sorting through them.

I like this video of The World Digital Library. Such an exciting idea. The video is informative, well-constructed and to the point

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Week 5 Wikis

Wiki time and although I thought the procedure manual wiki was a great idea, I expected I wouldn't find a lot of personal use for wikis. That is, until I googled wikis on one of my great interest, textiles. There's quite a bit of ground to cover if I wish to and it will be fun.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Week 4 RSS

I thought I was getting the hang of this having added feeds to my reader but am stumbling at putting a feed on my blog. There must be something I'm missing but I will keep trying.

Week 3 flickr

Week 3 and I could get quite excited about flickr except for the time element. Really enjoyed looking at pictures today of various places from my past. Then enjoyed having at look at pictures from some groups. That however was during the week I set up my own flickr and 3 weeks later I haven't been near it again.

Friday, September 5, 2008


I wanted to upload a picture of Elveseter, Norway that I saw on flickr. However, photo sharing etiquette says I should not do so without permission. Nswpll learning suggests I do so in the next paragraph, so I did. I then deleted it. Thanks jahaha for the brief loan of your photo.

Week 3

BM-SunSet, originally uploaded by magsness36.

Week 3 and it's been challenging. I still can't find the photos I've posted on flickr so will have to keep going there, to find out why. I'm hoping to get to a stage where I can help the photographer to set up his own flickr site.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Library 2.0

Week 2. I wish I had read through the week's instructions before I started the activities. That way I would have understood that there could be more to my blog than the exercise of setting one up, and that it may even be used. The comments of others are particularly helpful.